One Lutheran's Thoughts

Live and grow, change, reform...well, this blog used to be my 'primary' space, but not any more. This is now the online 'home' of my poetic ramblings and musings. Sometimes there is a faith/theological hue, while others not so much. Check out the pictures. Remember - literacy is visual too!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Long time...

It has been an incredibly long time since I last posted thoughts, poems, I have been utilizing another blog for general reflections, updates, etc...and this one for primarily poetry. There are a few pieces I will add here in the coming days, but I have been running, running, running like crazy and haven't had much time for the inner thinking/contemplation that I do when I write poetry.

But a quick update...I am in the call process with a congregation. It is moving along - some slow points, but it is moving again. I am eager to see what the next step might be.

I am back in out of boxes again, until I know where I am going.

What am I doing while I wait? Well, writing (watch for a post for an article that I have been working on), catching up with old friends, and getting a PT job at a grocery store - that's right, a grocery store! Just really to get out, meet some folks, and be able to stay current on my few bills.

Please do check back in from time-to-time, or check out my other blog at