One Lutheran's Thoughts

Live and grow, change, reform...well, this blog used to be my 'primary' space, but not any more. This is now the online 'home' of my poetic ramblings and musings. Sometimes there is a faith/theological hue, while others not so much. Check out the pictures. Remember - literacy is visual too!

Thursday, June 22, 2006


This unconditional love,
It flows so endlessly,
I don't deserve it,
Yet it seems so natural to receive it.

I am so grateful...yet ashamed,
I am stealing so much
And giving so little.

I wish I could stop taking.
I want to give all of me.
I want to ediy, and rebuild,
I want to make it easier for all.

I also want to thank you.
Thank the very people who gave me life,
Without you, I would be nothing.

I want to make you proud,
To give you even an inkling
Of what you have given me;
This unconditional love you share so generously.

You are my life.
I want my life to reflect everything.
Everything that I have learned from you.
But most of all...

I want it to reflect love.
Your love you've given me,
The love that I have from you.
And the source of Love.

(c) Kimberly S. Conway, 3/2/94


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