One Lutheran's Thoughts

Live and grow, change, reform...well, this blog used to be my 'primary' space, but not any more. This is now the online 'home' of my poetic ramblings and musings. Sometimes there is a faith/theological hue, while others not so much. Check out the pictures. Remember - literacy is visual too!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

My Dreams

My dream...
is to see an educated world;
where every little boy and girl,
can read and write and spell his name,
and dream other other things than fame.

My dream...
is to see a world rid of crime;
and a place where you pay with time,
when you commit a crime against the land,
and don't just get a smack on the hand.

My dream...
is to be in a world where babies live;
and instead of killing people give,
of themselves and their love,
which God has given them from above.

My dream...
is when drugs are used only for good;
and young join school and not the hood.
Where children can safely play in the streets,
and everyone has enough to eat.

My dream...
is a world made only of peace,
all fights and wars have to cease.
When sisters and brothers we all become,
then at last my dreamnig is done.

(c) Kimberly S. Conway - 1991


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