One Lutheran's Thoughts

Live and grow, change, reform...well, this blog used to be my 'primary' space, but not any more. This is now the online 'home' of my poetic ramblings and musings. Sometimes there is a faith/theological hue, while others not so much. Check out the pictures. Remember - literacy is visual too!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

ELCA 9th Churchwide Assembly - Day 3 Reflections

Tensions are high this morning around the issues of sexuality and the opening of conversation here at the assembly. But I think there are other issues that are being overshadowed and clouded. Today there were several other important topics that I think bear a great amount of responsibility for this church.

For example, the ELCA's restructuring proposal. This proposal was passed by a 2/3's majority. This has major implications on the various units and ministries of this church and its oversight. The biggest (in my view) of this is the dissolution of the Commission for Women. Gwendolyn - and Army Reserve Chaplina made a motion to create a new unit in this newly adopted restructuring proposal. However, this was quickly sent to the Reference and Council due to the need for new budgetary lines for this - so this will be voted on in the coming days.

Additionally, there was a report from the Youth Convo who reminded us that they are not only the future but that indeed they are the church of now! They additionally challenged the CWA to ensure that in 2007 each synod of the church has a voting youth member. This year there were only 13 voting youth members! When this challenge was issued the entire body stood up - signifying acceptance of this challenge. We pray that this church holds that challenge and exceeds it!

Also, the Renewing Worship proposal was accepted and a new hymnal/resource will be created. There was much debate on this - as I think is natural - in that worship is the very center of who we are as children of God. There was a division regarding timing - as some wished to have the final "product" brought before the CWA in either 2009 or 2007 in subsequent amendments. In the end the CWA voted to adopt the proposal. While I am not wholly "in love" with the RW materials I have seen/used I trust that this church will hold to its Lutheran heritage and theology, while looking to the reality of today.

In the evening I attended a reception hosted by Trinity, Wittenburg, and Capital. It was great to meet so many new people and to make new friends. This is a bonus of the CWA.

Tomorrow is a big day and additional media and press are becoming more and more visible. So as we continue, please remember in prayer the CWA and the poeple, places, and churches that these decisions affect.


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