One Lutheran's Thoughts

Live and grow, change, reform...well, this blog used to be my 'primary' space, but not any more. This is now the online 'home' of my poetic ramblings and musings. Sometimes there is a faith/theological hue, while others not so much. Check out the pictures. Remember - literacy is visual too!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


These are some quotes (some lengthy) that have stuck with me in my readings...more will be added as time for thought!

"Christ' message that every human being - woman, man and child - was made in the image of God was very radical for the culture in which he lived." - "The Heronine's Journey" by Maureen Murdock, pg. 172 --> Is this still radical for our culture today?

"The preserver of life is one aspect of the positive feminine, whether embodied in a woman or a man. The postive feminine is concerned with networking and affiliation, with bringing communities together to work for the common good. The feminine sees similarities between all beings and exhibits compassion and mercy. It also demands protection for the young and less fortunate." - same as above, pg. 125

"Women do have a quest at this time in our culture. It is the quest to fully embrace their feminine nature, learning to value themselves as women and to heal the deep wound of the feminine." - same as above, pg. 3

"Our heroine has learned how to perform well, so when she feels a sense of discomfort she tackles the next hurdle: a new degree, a more prestigious position, a geographical move, a sexual liason, another child." - same as above, pg. 5

"This obsessive need to stay busy and productive keeps her from having to experience her growing sense of loss. But what is this loss?" - same as above, pg. 66 - The never ending question...

"When a woman can find the courage to be limited and to realize that she is enough exactly the way she is, then she discovers one of the true treasures of the heronine's journey." - same as above, pg. 69

"She has so pushed, so long and diligently along the heroic path that it surprises her that she cannot dismiss the feeling of missing something in her life." - same as above, pg. 72

"A woman loses her 'inner fire' when she is not being fed, when the soul's flame is no longer fueled, when the promise of the dream held for so long dies. Old patterns no longer fit, the new way is not yet clear; there is darkness everywhere, and she cannot see or feel or taste or touch. Nothing means very much anymore, and she no longer knows who she really is." - Marti Gleun, pg. 74

"Many women are afraid of the term feminine, it has become a tainted word." - pg. 23


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