One Lutheran's Thoughts

Live and grow, change, reform...well, this blog used to be my 'primary' space, but not any more. This is now the online 'home' of my poetic ramblings and musings. Sometimes there is a faith/theological hue, while others not so much. Check out the pictures. Remember - literacy is visual too!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Nothing Remains the Same

The panel is dull, muted
The colors frozen, dead
But this state, condition is not permanent
For, at the breaking of the dawn,
Nothing remains the same.

The light slowly begins to spill out
Over the horizon, like rain trickling
down a flat, smooth incline
Ray by ray, stream by stream
the colors come alive
The hues begin to dance a dance
as old as the ages

The pulse of the vast image
Begins to throb, with a powerful
rhythym of life
A cadence of rebirth
With color so vibrant, so
That none could ignore

Although a simple panel of colored,
stained glass
A life, a story, a design appears
Through the heat and energy of the light, the life
For, at the breaking of the dawn,
Nothing reamins the same.


  • At 23/2/05 09:21, Blogger LH said…

    I loved your morning poem.
    I just read a story about Toni Morrison. She wakes up each day when it's still dark and drinks her coffee while waiting for the light to come.
    I am looking for a writing routine, but this would not be it. Love this blog. I relate to the family musings...

  • At 8/3/05 17:36, Blogger Kim said… is simply a space to 'let it out' and to hopefully hear some thoughts in return. So thank you for your might be the first one to respond.

    Keep looking for that routine, and while you are looking keep writing! It is all process...process.


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