One Lutheran's Thoughts

Live and grow, change, reform...well, this blog used to be my 'primary' space, but not any more. This is now the online 'home' of my poetic ramblings and musings. Sometimes there is a faith/theological hue, while others not so much. Check out the pictures. Remember - literacy is visual too!

Monday, April 01, 2002

New Dawn

The breaking of a NEW DAWN
This is a metaphor that is often used,
But I have experienced it in real-time.

Struggling to make the words fit,
To keep time to the music of 'rush' and 'cover.'
Yet I have felt this NEW DAWN, the rising of this melody.

Coming to the realization that I have been
Going about it all wrong.

Doing it on my own,
Meshing with the current strain,
I have denied my own identity.

The darkness was all encompassing,
The cold was sheer and hard,
Then a little glitter, a twinkling.

A neighbor passes along a buoy,
Trying to give me something
To hold on to.

I reached out,
And that, that movement was the start,
Or was it the awareness
Of the NEW DAWN?

At the end of that rope,
Connections, relations, discussions.
Conversation - something that was lost along the way.

Taking a step, upon the shore
A bold step, as I seemed all alone,
But looking deeper, I know I am surrounded,
The air around is like an instant freeze.

But once you get moving,
Trying to find your way,
The air seems to warm.

Are you really 'finding your way'
Or has the way found you?
Has the way always held you?
Have you only just noticed?

The DAWN is beating down,
Beating down, beating down,
But you can't stop, you are just starting.


Just starting again - REBIRTH.
Reflecting on where you have been,
Realizing where you CAN go...into the



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